Membrane Protein Biochemistry Lab

Biochimie des Protéines Membranaires

Our laboratory gathers biologists, physicists and chemists who are interested in the structure, structural dynamics and physical chemistry of membrane proteins, either in membrane mimetic systems (liposomes or nanodiscs), or in classical detergent solutions or alternative surfactants such as amphipols.

Following the footsteps of Jean Perrin who created the institute together with Baron Edmond de Rothschild, we develop fundamental, interdisciplinary research for health and environment.

Our research themes

Research within the laboratory is organized in four main themes.



Membrane proteins in their lipid membranes

Membrane proteins in their lipid membranes

Membrane proteins in their lipid membranes

Dynamics of membrane transport

Tool box for membrane protein studies

Tool box for membrane protein studies

Latest News

Membrane's digest

20250303_membrane digest

Some of you commented that the last membrane digest was a bit heavy on the bad news…. So let’s brighten things up with this edition – an easy task, packed with top-notch articles and exciting updates !

BTW: If you still want to stay updated on the state of science in the U.S., Science magazine has launched TrumpTracker—a thread covering the latest science-related decisions from the Trump administration:

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Membrane's digest

20250219_membrane digest

Busy times … The membrane’s digest arrives with delay and in a shorter format (no three-sentence summaries …) but with important and must-read papers !

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The team

Flower Theme Day
Green Theme Day
Red Theme Day


In our laboratory, there are 4 fellowship post-doctorants.

This project is funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions (grant agreement No 101034407).

Facts and Figures

Research is a collective adventure where cohesion of the team is essential. We foster social activities to stimulate exchange of expertise, mentoring and synergies between research topics. Social life around the Institute is highly attractive for students and early researchers.

in the lab
PhD defense
Trained students
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