A weekly selection of interesting litterature regarding Membranes and Molecules.
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20240902_membrane digest

Hi everyone, I hope you all had a great weekend! Below is this week's membrane digest. While it's a bit light on Molecules and Methods (no two weeks are alike), it features a must-read paper on the evolution of bacterial envelopes, as well as insights into flippers, protein mechanistic and physicochemistry of clouds. An exciting lineup! Best, BPM

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20240803_membrane digest

You’ll find below an olympic digest of gold medal-grade studies on membranes, proteins and molecules ! Have a nice summer, Best, BPM

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20240725_membrane digest

The membrane digest does not take vacations :-D Here is a round up of cool stories from the Membrane world. Best, BPM

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20240715_membrane digest

You’ll find enclosed a roundup of cool articles* from the membrane and molecules world ! Have a nice week, Best, BPM * the first of which comes from our lab. Congrats Francesca, Céline and Guillaume (+ the Alric team) !!!

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20240708_membrane digest

A super busy month kept us away from the membrane literature 😩 Hence, you’ll find enclosed a massive ”monthly” Membrane’s digest with, as usual, super exciting works related to MPs, membranes, molecules and cornichons. Back to a more regular format next week ! Best, BPM

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20240603_membrane digest

Here is the membrane digest (exceptionally rather a "membrane raw bibliography”, as a matter of fact ...) Let's all clap those super cool articles !

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20240527_membrane digest

Unmixing, breaking of symmetry, translocation and explanation why songs make us feel like dancing … It’s membrane party time !

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