20250303_membrane digest

Some of you commented that the last membrane digest was a bit heavy on the bad news.... So let's brighten things up with this edition - an easy task, packed with top-notch articles and exciting updates ! BTW: If you still want to stay updated on the state of science in the U.S., Science magazine has launched TrumpTracker—a thread covering the latest science-related decisions from the Trump administration: https://www.science.org/content/article/science-trump-latest-news

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20250219_membrane digest

Busy times … The membrane’s digest arrives with delay and in a shorter format (no three-sentence summaries …) but with important and must-read papers !

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20250207_membrane digest

Again, a bunch of cool readings … the world of membranes is as inspired as ever ! Cherries on top: Statistical physicists set out to ‘scientifically optimize’ the recipe of cacio e pepe and a series of paper to guide you through the way to Nobel prize (thank you Corentin Largeau for the latter press review; do not hesitate to contribute as well if you are inspired !)

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20250127_membrane digest

Science: Transport, ABC, RNDs, lipid transport, pH cool tools … extravaganza ! Miscellaneous: budget cuts, WHOxit, Keylabs … Dramaganza !

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20250114_membrane digest

Busy week ! The membrane digest is arriving with a slight delay and in a more detailed format this time (not concise three-sentence summaries, but full abstracts). Nonetheless the content remains just as rich and exciting ! Have a nice day and a nice week,

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Read more about the article 2025/01/31 Seminar of  Layara Abiko

2025/01/31 Seminar of Layara Abiko

Dr Layara Abiko Groupe of Dr. Stephan Grzesiek, Biozentrum, University of Basel, Switzerland Under Pressure, Empty, and Biased – Understanding G Protein-Coupled Receptorsthrough NMR SpectroscopyG protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are the…

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20250107_membrane digest

Dear all, A HOT membrane digest ahead, where MPs cluster, partition, condensate, multimerize, distribute non homogeneously and are degraded … Eventually, a good advice for this new year from Marie Curie: Slow productivity … festina lente ! Have a nice week, BPM

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20250102_membrane digest

Happy 2025 ! As always, the year starts in dragster mode so these next few days are perfect for setting schedules, refining routines, and reflecting on resolutions. Here is an easy and obvious one: go on with a regular delivery of interesting, important and unexpected membrane-related news, the BPM membrane digest ! Here is the first 2025 issue ! Martin PS: Feel free to share with anyone who might be interested, it's super easy to be added to the mailing list: simply drop me a mail. PS2: Don’t hesitate to suggest papers to include in the list ! Some gems might slip through my PubMed filters or my scans of Bluesky, Twitter, and other platforms.

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20241224_membrane digest

Oh Oh Oh, it looks like Christmas has come early this year! From electron diffraction to 19F NMR, from total eclipses and volcanic smokes down to the deepest oceans—there’s a little bit of wonder for everyone to enjoy. Wishing you all a joyful and discovery-filled holiday season! 🌲 🕯️ ✨ 🥂 🕯️ 🎁 🎵 🕯️ 🌲

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